The Evidence of who really painted much of the artwork of Oz Almog
Vladimir Dvorkin honoured his pact with Oz Almog not to reveal himself as the artist behind many of Almog's most well known works. But his home movies and photographs capture the truth and make it clear that Dvorkin hoped that one day that truth would be revealed. We found Dvorkin's home video tapes buried in a box collecting dust in Roman's grandmother's house. While they had become quite degraded we were able to engage an expert to meticulously recover and restore the materials. And the evidence we needed.....
Roman's sister Helen with paintings her grandfather had just completed for Oz Almog's exhibition "The Psychonaut and His Mind Navigator" circa. 1995
Paintings in progress on Dvorkin's easel for Almog's "Him Too?" Exhibition
A young Roman Lapshin in his grandfather's studio in front of just completed "Him Too?" paintings
From Almog's published "Him Too?" book
This photo captures Vladimir Dvorkin in his studio relaxing after completing the "Him Too?" portraits seen behind him.
Ayse Lapshin poses proudly with a "Him Too?" portrait on her father's easel
From Almog's published "Him Too?" book
Screenshots from Dvorkin's home videos show his wife Natasha holding up portraits he had just completed for the "Him Too?" Exhibit
Natasha Dvorkin
Portraits from Dvorkin's home videos matched to images from the "Him Too?" Book